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The company provides size capacity batteries (~3,000AH) and large GEL, AGM, UPS, telecommunications lead-acid battery regeneration and testing services4
https://www.nface.com.tw/en/ 新国株式会社環境開発
新国株式会社環境開発 No. 901, Guangfu Road, Bade District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 334
我司節能團隊歷經十多年研發已綻放成果,新產品及技術是一種量子物理科技的應用, 名稱為「省電貼片」Power saving patch。 省電貼片 安裝示意圖 「省電貼片」貼於電力開關箱,當電力設備用電時,會產生載波共振吸收作用,引導不規則運動的電子作有序排列運作,改善電線迴路中的雜訊,進而達到節電的目的。 當電子作有序排列運作會產生以下優點: 會降低電力傳輸及用電設備動態內阻,使電力穩定流動更順暢 用電設備工作溫度會降低,減少劣化、故障、延長壽命 以上特點均可減少用電虛功率,節電效果最高可達到30% ~~~心動了嗎?不如立馬行動~~~(徵求免費試用客戶) 1、 目前推廣試用期,僅針對工廠用電量大的客戶 2、 免費試用3個月 3、 電力節費共享,不做產品銷售 意者歡迎洽詢! 新國環保能源(代理商):簡先生/電話(line ID): 0910605589 https://www.nface.com.tw/en/hot_304823.html Power saving patch 2024-03-16 2025-03-16
新国株式会社環境開発 No. 901, Guangfu Road, Bade District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 334 https://www.nface.com.tw/en/hot_304823.html
新国株式会社環境開発 No. 901, Guangfu Road, Bade District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 334 https://www.nface.com.tw/en/hot_304823.html
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2024-03-16 http://schema.org/InStock TWD 0 https://www.nface.com.tw/en/hot_304823.html

This technology has been successfully developed for many years, and the patented lead-acid battery regeneration technology mainly uses the principle of electrical physics to dissolve the lead sulfate crystal which causes the battery performance to attenuate, so that the battery can be used for performance, extend battery life, assist the stacker, telecommunication equipment, and Lead-acid battery users such as power-off system (UPS) equipment have been able to significantly reduce operating costs while at the same time doing social responsibility for environmental protection, energy conservation and carbon reduction.

This technology has been operating in Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries for many years. At present, it is a system designated for use by many citizens' organizations in various countries. It shows that the recycling technology has been widely recognized at home and abroad. The company hopes to use the same equipment and Technology, for the vast number of Taiwanese companies, to provide this high-quality service of conservation and environmental protection.

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